Objective colouridentification as an important stage in the process of dental restoration.

NECKRASHEVYCH Y.; PAVLENKO A., RADKO V., RADKO I., * (Department of Prosthetic Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry, Ivano-Frankivsk State Medical Academy, Ukraine)

High colourful properties of modern restorative materials do not always allow to solve all the problems of dental restoration. Especially, to attain high colouridentification between natural dental tissue and artificial composition (false teeth).

We have proposed a special apparatus (system) of dentophotometry as an alternative visual method of colourperception and colourtransference.

All operations with any colourbearer have an exclusive character being a result of objective investigation of the optical properties of restorative materials and dental tissues. Biophysical regularities and properties of human vision had been taken to the consideration.

All dates and results are shown at the histogram.

Besides, the frequency of different mistakes at the stage of colouridentification has been evaluated.

During the research we have noted that psychoemotional factor in dental practice is an important link in the line of dentophotometric mistakes.

Consequently, only objective technology of colour and shade identification will allow to achieve high aesthetic effect in dental restorations.